Code Visual to Flowchart - automatic code flowcharts generator
Code Visual to Flowchart is an automatic code flow charts generator software ,
It can reverse engineering a program with code analyzer , create programming flow charts from code,
mostly used on flowcharting a program and documenting source code. It can generate Visio, Word, Excel, Powerpoint,PNG and BMP flow charts document from code.
Supported programming Languages

C, C++, VC++ (Visual C++ .NET), VB (Visual Basic), VBA, Qbasic(quickbasic), VBScript(VBS), ASP, Visual C# (C sharp), Visual Basic .NET(VB.NET), Visual J# .NET, VC++.NET, ASP.NET, Java, JSP, JavaScript(JScript), Delphi (Object Pascal), PowerBuilder(PowerScript), PHP, Visual Foxpro, Peoplesoft SQR, PL/SQL, T-SQL(Transact-sql) and Perl ...
Upgrade History (+ New feature o Minor change ! Bug fix)
+ editor update
+ new code highlighter
+ class browser update
+ new language support: Peoplesoft sqr
! BUG fixed
+ C++ class browser
+ display flow chart level in doc
! BUG fixed
+ Display function name and file name in doc
+ new graphic code flow chart
+ suopport flowchart editing .
+ export flowchart as PNG image .
+ new perl langauge parser
! Hint bug
+ VB *.cls;*.ctl support
+ Flowchart shape background color selector
+ command line parameter support
! BUG fixed
+ Display function name and file name in doc
! BUG fixed
+ PL/SQL support
+ T-SQL support
+ New Visio stencil
+ support display filename and function name
+ Sample Menu
o Mark all code item
o automatic distinguish sql file type
o new keywords for highlighting
! ini save bug
! c# function treeview error
! some language parser error
+ code Marker
+ Filer of file dialog
+ Click on gutter to add or clear bookmark
+ Error Message Form
o parse seleted code in same editor
o parse highlight code in same editor
o popup menu image
o editor gutter width
! Status bar do not update
! expand level on popup menu of flowchart window error
! error of exit ,continue ,break,switch parse
! error when no editor
+ Export flowchart to Bitmap
+ New hotspot bar of Flowchar window
o New tool bar style
! Minor bug fixed
+ 'Try..Catch' support for C/C++
+ 'Try..Except' support for Delphi/Pascal
+ 'Try..Catch' support for Java/JavaScript
+ New display mode
+ Code highlighted when click on the flowchart
+ label..goto support
+ show expanded level of flowchart
+ Synchronization between the Flow Chart and Editor
+ 'Come here' function
+ XP style GUI
o change line photo to 16 color bmp
o change arrow of flowchart
o auto focus on editor
! 'end on' bug in Foxpro
! text of label wrap
! flowchart window tremble
! statusbar not auto update
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Code Visual to Flow chart |
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Code Visual to Flow chart |
"A very good product; a must try.
This application builds a flowchart based upon any source code module. It allows you to select all of your code, or just a portion of it, and allows you to jump from any object in the flowchart back to its corresponding source code. This application should aid any software developer in locating logical errors or extra code. Code to Flowchart is worth the download "
Jovan Hamilton
"This program should have been written years ago,
I thought that something like this would be a good idea about 14 years ago while I was studying computer science in college. I became aware of the practicality as well as the tedium of flowcharting (by hand) in a "Computer Logic" course that I was taking. I don't personally like pseudo code. Flowcharting sofware has been around for a long time. However, there has been no flowcharting software that could relate standard flowcharting symbols directly to code in this way (as far as I know). SourceCode2Flowchart makes it much easier to visualize larger projects. It's also a great aid for anyone wanting to understand/learn programming languages in a more visual and concrete way"
Bobby Taggart
"Yours is the only program on the market that I know of that can actually parse real code.You have a great product and I'm surprised there aren't more like it on the
market. With today's emphasis on object oriented programming some think that
understanding and documenting algorithms are less important. I think it's just
as important than ever. "
Jim Woods