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Code Visual to Flowchart ( Source code to Flowchart ) |
Code Visual to Flowchart - automatic program flow chart generator
Code Visual to Flowchart is an automatic program flow chart generator software ,
It can reverse engineering program with code analyzer, create programming flowcharts from code, mostly used on flowcharting a program and documenting source code. It can generate MS Visio, Word, Excel, Powerpoint,PNG and BMP flow chart document from code.
Supported programming Languages

C, C++, VC++(Visual C++ .NET), VB(Visual Basic), VBA, Qbasic(quickbasic), VBScript(VBS), ASP, Visual C# (C sharp), Visual Basic .NET(VB.NET), Visual J# .NET, VC++.NET, ASP.NET, Java, JSP, JavaScript(JScript), Delphi(Object Pascal), PowerBuilder(PowerScript), PHP, Visual Foxpro, Peoplesoft SQR, PL/SQL, T-SQL(Transact-sql) and Perl ...
What is Code Visual to Flow Chart ?
Code Visual to Flow Chart is based on Flow code technology which combines flowcharting and coding together hence, the name flow code. It is a bottom up methodology that enables a new breed of visual code editors.Code Visual to Flow Chart can import many types of code - using a powerful language parser .
Code Visual to Flow Chart is an efficient method and tool for understanding and editing source code of any size in any language. The tool uses a language-independent, shape-based flowchart syntax to enhance common text code and raise it to new visual heights.
Code Visual to Flow Chart is a CAD-like visual text editor that frees you from the drudgery of working directly within a text code editor. Graphically enhanced source code makes any code (yours or someone else's) significantly faster to understand, learn, navigate and edit. You'll find that Code Visual to Flow Chart delivers the most intense visual programming experience that you've ever seen!
Key Benefits of Code Visual to Flow Chart :
- Visually documents code so anyone can understand it
- Allows concurrent work on the flow and the code
- uses native language syntax (i.e. C++. Java, Visual Basic, Delphi and more)
- Makes it easy to understand and optimize machine generated code
- Flowcharting any code using only eleven symbols
- short learning curve
- Flowcharting thousands of lines of code in seconds
- Designed for optimal speed when working with multi-thousand object flowcharts
- Helps the entire programming team understand and share code
- Places all programming languages on an equal visual footing making it just as easy to learn many languages
- Export flowcharts as BMP, Microsoft Visio,Word, Excel and PowerPoint formats .
- Helps engineers optimize their code by highlighting iteration and logical processing
- Visually enhances mining and retrieval of information from legacy code
You don't need to learn a new language - Code Visual to Flow Chart is language-friendly and language-adaptable. Code Visual to Flow Chart currently parses : C ,C++ ,JAVA ,VB ,VBA ,VBSCRIPT ,DELPHI,C#,VB.NET, JavaScript,Qbasic, PowerBuilder, PHP, FoxPro, PL/SQL, T-SQl and several other languages are under development (e.g. COBOL, Ada, Forth, FORTRAN).
Brief of Program Flow chart Generator
Code Visual to Flow chart is the best flowchart generation tool in the market.
-- The combination of condensed view and detailed view makes it a very effective tool.
-- Flowcharts are true-to-code
-- You can navigate and understand the detailed view much faster than reading code.
Real code is displayed in each flowchart symbol,
you do not have to go back and forth between the file-window and the flowchart.
With a click on a flowchart symbol, you can view the type-information of the objects in it.
You can view the flowchart and file-window side-by-side:
Click on a flowchart symbol to highlight the corresponding code in the file-window and vice versa.
-- Code Visual to Flow chart creates optimal-level flowcharts.
It hides inner nest levels so that the flowchart stays simple and easy to understand.
You can expand the inner levels to view the full detail.
You can view the sub-flowchart of a loop or switch from the function.
  -- You can divide-and-conquer functions that are hundreds of lines in length:
First view the top-level flowchart and then view the flowcharts of its major blocks.
You will save a large amount of time.
 -- You can print a flowchart or export it as a .bmp or .png file for documentation and MS Visio, Word, Excel, Powerpoint
Real code is shown in each flowchart symbol. The flowchart is complete in itself.
You do not have to refer to the code listing.
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"This program was recommended as being very helpful for grasping the concept of programming logic ."
Melissa R. Lovelace
"A very good product; a must try.
This application builds a flowchart based upon any source code module. It allows you to select all of your code, or just a portion of it, and allows you to jump from any object in the flowchart back to its corresponding source code. This application should aid any software developer in locating logical errors or extra code. Code to Flowchart is worth the download "
Jovan Hamilton
"Awesome! support visio output, You have a great product. I use it to translate my code to Microsoft Visio flowchart. Very nice and simple to use tool that has saved me a lot of time. Thank you and keep it up"
Brent Smith
"Yours is the only program on the market that I know of that can actually parse real code.You have a great product and I'm surprised there aren't more like it on the
market. With today's emphasis on object oriented programming some think that
understanding and documenting algorithms are less important. I think it's just
as important than ever. "
Jim Woods
Creates great flowcharts of your code!
I tried both of the source code to flowchart tools from download.com and this is by far the best. The others do not actually complete the flowchart, but this one does. If you have to figure out another engineers code this is definitely the away to go!"
Thom W. Belesky
"That's my program,
I've been looking for it VERY long time. And i found it. Great advantage is support of Visio. I can send to my partners short version of script and they can understand all in it. SUPER. #1 in to-buy list :) "
Dagian Gibbs
"I just downloaded the demo version a couple days ago and like what I see, Great - I work for Hewlett Packard any have been showing around sourcecode2flowchart and a lot of people are impressed by it, and really interested in its visio output function ."
Ryan Roberson